Happy Holidays!

Well, 2022 is almost upon us. It’s been a helluva roller coaster ride this year, to say the least. Coming into 2021, we were optimistic. Marcum re-opened our offices and even proceeded with the planned launch of our new corporate headquarters in New York City in June, and with COVID cases tapering off (at the time) and more people vaccinated, our team transitioned back to in-person work. While everyone still has to be cautious, especially with new strains of COVID emerging, we thought we were finally leaving the pandemic in the rear-view mirror.
These past couple of weeks have been a reminder that it’s not over until it’s over. With medical reports showing an increase in cases as both the Delta and Omicron variants spread, it behooves all of us to be careful these next few weeks. Let’s hope the added precautions many municipalities and businesses are taking—including Marcum—will slow the spread of both variants and that people will take precautions as the situation warrants. We’re all in this together, and no one wants to see further lockdowns.
Fortunately, 2021 had some bright spots. We were able to leave our homes, restaurants and malls reopened, planes flew again and life re-acquired some of its former normality. From a tax perspective, new legislation ushered in new tax planning strategies. More than 2,500 people attended our annual Year-End Tax Forum. And all of them have their eyes on the prize for 2022 and what may be in store in the way of future tax legislation.
The Weiners will be hunkering down for the holiday season in Florida, where we hope the sun will be shining. These past couple of years have brought daily reminders of what is most important in this life, and I’m really looking forward to our family time, all 7 of us (and the dogs, of course).
Because Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve fall on Saturdays this year, Marcum will be closed the next two Fridays, December 24 and 31. So, this will be my last column of 2021. I look forward to reconnecting with you on January 7, my first column of the new year.
Tracy and I, along with the entire Marcum team, wish you the happiest of holiday seasons with family and friends, plenty of rest and relaxation, and a healthy, prosperous and successful 2022!