Father’s Day!

For the last 13 weeks or so, the focus of my weekly rantings has been the coronavirus pandemic, social injustice and a smattering of other current events. Quite frankly, it’s been mentally exhausting and I’m ready to pivot – so none of that this week.
Father’s Day is Sunday, perhaps my favorite day of the year, and the simplest. In the Weiner household, it’s actually Father’s Day weekend.
As many of you know, I have five children, ranging in age from (almost) eight, (yes, eight-year-olds still say “almost” and count 1/2 birthdays) to 28. Father’s Day weekend is one of the few times of the year we can get everyone together under one roof and just spend quality family time together. The challenge has been exacerbated recently since my older children have been isolating separately from the rest of us.
So what will we do? The simple things: beach, pool and BBQ. The weather on Long Island looks to be promising for outdoor activities, and the greatest gift any father could ask for is to be with his family enjoying the simple pleasures life brings.
At 62 years old, every Father’s Day is particularly meaningful for me. My own father passed away 42 years ago. He was 45 and I was 20. That’s three lifetimes ago for me. I often wonder how my own life would have been different (or not) had my father been part of the last 42 years. And with three younger children, it’s that much more important to me to spend each day, not only Father’s Day, enjoying their company and helping them grow up.
So that’s it for this week. My sincerest wishes to all of you celebrating Father’s Day in some way this weekend. Cherish the time together and the memories.
Stay safe, stay healthy and remember we are all in this together.