Ask Marcum Again

Tax Day wasn’t the only exciting thing going on around here at Marcum this week. On Monday, we began airing four new television commercials, the latest installments in our Ask Marcum advertising campaign.
The 30-second spots are appearing in all Marcum markets nationwide. They can be seen on Fox News (sans Bill O’Reilly), CNN, MSNBC and CNBC from 6AM to 9AM weekdays, and weekends on ESPN and other sports networks.
I like these new ads because they use humor to drive home the value Marcum brings as a trusted advisor to our clients. Two of the spots show the winning results our clients can count on when they wisely seek Marcum’s advice. The other two don’t work out quite so well for those unwitting characters.
Take a look for yourself and let me know what you think.
Kudos to our chief marketing officer, Bruce Ditman, who drove the bus (as they say) on this project for Marcum and helped make it a success. And to our creative partner on continuing the Ask Marcum campaign, NYC-based The Gate, thank you for taking the initial success we had with the first version of the Ask Marcum campaign and building on that to bring it to another level.
In the spirit of the Marcum Foundation’s mission of giving to those in need, following post-production, the actors’ wardrobes were donated to two great organizations providing free employment readiness services to low-income adults. Female wardrobe items went to Bottomless Closet NYC, an organization that provides professional clothing, job readiness, post-employment training, and coaching services to women on public assistance and working-poor women. Male wardrobe items went to Career Gear, an organization providing financial literacy training, professional attire, career development tools, job-readiness, and other training and support to help men enter and remain in the workforce.
Community is one of Marcum’s core values. It is our genuine pleasure to help out these wonderful groups with a gift that we hope can make a difference for a few women and men on their way to employment success.