Tax Partner, Shaun Blogg, Quoted in TC Palm

WEST PALM BEACH — June 14, 2010 –Amid kudos and warm applause, individual and team achievements were the focus of the March of Dimes March for Babies Awards celebration held at Benvenuto’s earlier this month. Sponsored by West Boca Medical Center, the event also featured recognition of the year-round volunteers who serve on the Executive Leadership Council and Steering and Logistic Committee, March of Dimes Board of Directors and staff, March for Babies national sponsors and the Palm Beach County local sponsors who were key in helping to make March for Babies a huge success.
In his opening remarks Shaun Blogg, Partner at MarcumRachlin and Chair of this year’s March for Babies in Palm Beach Country, thanked the attendees for their support and invaluable efforts, which resulted in raising more than $537,000. “You are all champions for babies,” he stated. “Your participation makes a difference in the lives of babies and their families throughout our county, as well as nationally, and you should be extremely proud about what you have accomplished.”
Money raised from the event funds research, awareness, education and local community grants for programs such as Healthy Babies, Healthy Business®, a free service offered to businesses to enhance their existing wellness programs, and NICU Family Support at St. Mary’s Medical Center which provides resources and comfort to families with premature babies.
Top team fundraising honors went to Publix Super Markets, Inc., which is also the March of Dimes top corporate partner in Florida. This year, Publix raised over $188,000 and garnered the further distinction of being the “most improved team” with the highest percentage increase in funds and number of actual walkers. They were followed by CEMEX, Bank of America, Wachovia-A Wells Fargo Company, NCCI Holdings, Inc., Kmart, Team Eliana and Danielle/Crestmark Bank , Florida Public Utilities, West Boca Medical Center, Jarden Consumer Solutions, Related Companies, Regions Bank, Bethesda Memorial Hospital, and Wellington Regional Medical Hospital.
This year’s #1 individual fundraiser/walker was Jim Rothman of Team Eliana and Danielle/Crestmark Bank, who raised $20,000. The remaining top 15 individual fundraisers included Kevin Propel (Related Companies), Wendy Lemenze (Toll Brothers, Inc.), Walter Bayer (Bayer Family Team), Tony Manganello (Team Kayla Manganello), Shirley Bean (Bank of America), Kelly Horan (Jarden Consumer Solutions), Lourdes Gonzalez (Wachovia), Annette McMullen (Team Colin and John), Stephanie Weter (Team Weter), Pamela Avalos (CSI-Isabells’ Strength), Justin Smale (Bank of America), Cari Tanella (Boca Raton Community Hospital), David Savage (Bank of America), and Tami Dutra (Jarden Consumer Solutions).
Twenty five individual fundraisers and forty one teams were also recognized for their $1000+ fundraising efforts and special awards were presented for Best New Corporate Team (MarcumRachlin), Best New Family Team (Team Eliana and Danielle/Crestmark Bank), Most Creative T-shirt (CEMEX), Most Creative Spirit Stop (Florida Public Utilities) and Team with Most Online Fundraisers (CEMEX).
In 2010, national March for Babies sponsors were CIGNA, Continental Airlines, Famous Footwear, Farmers Insurance Group, FedEx, First Response, Kmart, Mission Pharmacal, and Sanofi Pasteur.
In Palm Beach Country, local sponsors included Publix Super Markets, CEMEX, Florida Public Utilities, NCCI Holdings, Inc., Wachovia-a Wells Fargo Company, A Winning Smile Florida, Dave and Donna Batelaan, Bethesda Memorial Hospital, Boca Raton Community Hospital, CitiBank, Ira & Kim Fialkow, Florida Atlantic University, GEO Group, Inc., Greenspoon Marker, P.A., Jarden Consumer Solutions, Jupiter Medical Center, Kiwanis, MarcumRachlin, Barbara and Jack Nicklaus, QEP Co., Inc., RBC Bank, Regions Bank, Related Companies, Harriet Rudermann, Sheridan healthcare, Wellington Regional Medical Center, West Boca Medical Center, Wal-Mart and media sponsors LaPalma, Palm Beach Post, WPEC CBS Channel 12 and WRMF 97.9 FM.
The March of Dimes is the leading nonprofit organization for pregnancy and baby health. With chapters nationwide and its premier event, March for Babies, the March of Dimes works to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. For the latest resources and information, visit or