Webinar Recap: Reemergence and Revitalization: Financing Strategies and Considerations for the F&B Industry as the Economy Re-Opens
Original Broadcast
Thursday, June 4, 2020
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As much of the country begins the process of re-opening as a result of the coronavirus, many food and beverage businesses are assessing their financial needs. How can you best position yourself?
This health crisis has exposed a lot of vulnerabilities in the industry. Among the most important of these is balancing cash flow needs with unplanned costs for plant closures, employees, healthcare, and new facility standards — all while managing increased demand.
How can the industry get back on track as the country re-emerges from the pandemic?
Join us as we look deeper into the financing challenges as a result of the pandemic, structuring alternatives for the future, and the strategies for financial stability. How does the CARES Act affect food and beverage manufacturers and what leasing standards should you keep in mind?
Our speakers will discuss these issues and more:
James Aspromonti, Marcum LLP
- Financial statement implications
- CARES Act tax changes
- Leasing standard update
Zachary Chubb, City National Bank
- Financing market perspectives, what has changed since the start of the pandemic, and the current outlook
- Managing your current financing needs and working with lenders in the short and long term
- Financing best practices and strategies
John DiMino, First American Equipment Finance
- Current Financing Challenges Faced by Food & Beverage Manufacturers
- Funding Strategies for Financial Stability as the Country Re-Opens and emerges from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Coronavirus Resource Center
Have more questions about the impact of the coronavirus on your business? Visit Marcum’s Coronavirus Resource Center for up-to-date information.