October 13, 2020

Webinar Recap: An Open Discussion of How Companies Facing Distress from COVID-19 Should be Responding

Webinar Recap: An Open Discussion of How Companies Facing Distress from COVID-19 Should be Responding Coronavirus Resource Center

Original Broadcast

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

As your trusted advisors, McDonald Hopkins LLC and Marcum LLP are committed to sharing the best information available concerning the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis to our clients and colleagues during this time.

Please join us for an informational webinar about economic distress related to COVID as we address the Five W’s:

  • Who should distressed companies inform?
  • What can be done in both a proactive and reactive sense?
  • When will the middle market stop denying distress?
  • Where should a company’s restructuring occur?
  • Why is focusing on distress now for both healthy and distressed companies beneficial?


  • Anticipated industry effects of COVID
  • Mitigating and reacting to the economic effects of COVID from a legal and financial perspective
  • An open discussion incorporating and addressing all related audience questions. Audience participants are invited and encouraged to provide questions or individual concerns prior to the webinar.


Marc Carmel, McDonald Hopkins LLC
Member, Business Restructuring Services Department
Co-Chair, Litigation Finance Practice Group

Michael Kaczka, McDonald Hopkins LLC
Member, Business Restructuring Services Department

Kevin Garvey
Senior Vice President, Special Assets Manager, Peoples Bank

John L. Heller, CPA, CIRA, CFF, Marcum LLP
Director, Advisory Services 


Gary B. Rosen, CPA, CFF, CFE, CVA, CGMA, Marcum LLP
Partner-in-Charge, Valuation, Forensic & Litigation Services, NY Region, Advisory Services 

Coronavirus Resource Center

Have more questions about the impact of the coronavirus on your business? Visit Marcum’s Coronavirus Resource Center for up-to-date information.