October 11, 2024

Mastering Change for Seamless Technology Implementation

Mastering Change for Seamless Technology Implementation Strategic IT Consulting

Aligning technology with business goals and objectives helps organizations become exponentially more effective in the use of technology. To be successful in this, however, business leaders must recognize the central role that the human element plays in digital transformation.

Change, while necessary, can become a stumbling block if not managed properly. Taking a strategic, proactive approach to change management will ensure a smooth transition and maximize the impact of technology-driven innovations.


Most organizations share the universal goals of growth, profitability, return on investment, and efficiency. The measurement and understanding of what each business aims to achieve, and the potential benefits that may result, will depend on the problem or pain point being addressed.

Regardless of the specific desired outcome, however, one thing that’s universal is the need for effective and sustainable change. Unfortunately, on average 70% of change management initiatives fail, due in large part to resistance.

This may stem from individuals who are comfortable with the old ways of doing things and therefore unwilling to evolve and adapt, or it may be due to fear of the unknown. People in leadership may also oppose the adoption of new technology for financial or other risk-related reasons.

In any case, understanding the “who” and, more importantly, the “whys” behind this resistance can unlock the path to overcoming it.


Being successful with digital transformation requires engaging stakeholders at every level in effective change management. While the best practices below provide a solid foundation, it’s important to recognize that each business is unique and may require tailored approaches. Adapting these guidelines to your specific needs and circumstances is crucial for achieving optimal IT alignment.

To effectively translate high-level business objectives into actionable IT goals, you must first define and understand those goals. This involves identifying the specific value that technology can generate for the organization, such as adopting a CRM system to identify and focus on your most valuable customers to drive increased profitability.

Engaging key technology stakeholders to understand their needs and pain points is crucial. By collaborating with them, you can define clear objectives and measurable outcomes for IT initiatives that align with business goals and foster stakeholder buy-in. By understanding and validating the stakeholders’ challenges, your organization can focus on the highest value opportunities.

Before considering new technology, leverage available data to identify your organization’s most opportunities or pain points. Part of this is also considering what data you don’t have, a great example of this is when you look at airlines. Airlines did not create frequent flier programs just to reward loyal customers, they did it to gain additional insight into customer’s habits, patterns, and tendencies.

One of the easiest ways to overcome resistance, particularly at the executive level, is to demonstrate to decision-makers that adopting new technology doesn’t mean starting over from scratch. To the contrary, it’s about finding ways to optimize and enhance existing systems.

An IT assessment can help identify gaps and opportunities for improvement, including an organization’s accumulated “tech debt.” By combining this assessment with a strategic IT roadmap, organizations can develop an action plan for addressing tech debt, building upon existing systems, and implementing new technologies to align with business goals.

While some executives are much more open to investing in technological solutions, for others, there is still a lack of adequate understanding of technology and the critical role it plays in business success. Tying IT initiatives to specific business goals, using easy-to-understand terms and concepts, and starting with smaller projects for quick, easy wins will lessen resistance and increase the probability of success.

Engaging staff and building commitment is about getting people involved from the beginning, making sure they feel heard and understood, and addressing the question of “what’s in it for me” (WIIFM). Specifically, it requires giving people a voice in the process and addressing their fears about how the changes might affect them. The key to this is open communication, education, and ongoing support through comprehensive user training to ensure that employees can effectively utilize new technologies and systems.

Gaining staff commitment can be increased by finding organizational influencers and building their support for the initiative Leaders should focus on identifying those early-adopters and enlist their help in getting their peers onboard. Investing in training and empowering these individuals will also help move new technology initiatives along faster and more effectively.

Project wins occur in many ways big and small through out a project. Recognizing the contributors and the successes is critical to building a culture of success. Team members are far more committed when their contributions are being recognized. Whenever possible, it’s best to start small to gain traction, develop confidence, and provide proof of concept.

Expert advisors can guide teams and organizations through change based on past experiences and lessons learned. Every project has potholes and pitfalls. Advisors can identify those issues and work to steer around or minimize the impact of those issues. Consultants can also help with creating a plan to successfully implement technology in order to achieve specific business objectives.


Change can be a source of anxiety for organizations and individuals alike. Having a trusted advisor who can predict potential fears and guide you through the process will enable you to lay the foundation for a more successful tech implementation.

The consultants at Marcum Technology help organizations identify, address, and overcome resistance so they can effectively navigate change, align IT with their business goals, and adopt the transformative technologies necessary to be competitive in today’s market.

Get in touch with Marcum Technology for expertise in industry best practices, and accelerators to support your organizational needs.